
GRD-2000 Thermal Conductivity Gas Analyzer

Product Summary:

The GRD-2000 Thermal Conductivity Gas Analyzer is designed to continuously measure the concentration of a single component of interest in a flowing gas mixture. The measurement is based on the different thermal conductivity of the individual components of the sample stream.

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Product overview Product features
Product overview

The GRD-2000 Thermal Conductivity Gas Analyzer is designed to continuously measure the concentration of a single component of interest in a flowing gas mixture. The measurement is based on the different thermal conductivity of the individual components of the sample stream. It compares the thermal conductivity of a sample stream with that of a reference gas of known composition. The microprocessor-based GRD-2000 adopts thermal conductivity gas sensor with high stability and strong reliability, which features large LCD display, high and low limit alarm, standard signal output and relay contact alarm output. The instrument can be used in a wide variety of industrial applications where it is necessary to measure the concentration of one component of gas mixture.

Product features
  • High stability and strong reliability.
  • High sensitivity and fast response.
  • Large LCD display.
  • Upper and lower alarm values freely settable.
  • Automatic data storage and viewable at any time .
  • Compensation for interference from CO, CO2 and CH4.
  • Online calibration.
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