
EXPEC-6000 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer(ICP-OES)

Product Summary:

EXPEC-6000 is a developed product by Focused Photonics (Hangzhou), Inc. It is an achievement based on many years of extensive research and development of optical spectrum analyzing equipment. EXPEC-6000 has a rich spectral library with more than 50,000 optical spectrum lines available for selection and has a synchronous measuring ability to analyze 72 elements simultaneously. 

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Product overview Product features Application area
Product overview

EXPEC-6000 is a developed product by Focused Photonics (Hangzhou), Inc. It is an achievement based on many years of extensive research and development of optical spectrum analyzing equipment. EXPEC-6000 has a rich spectral library with more than 50,000 optical spectrum lines available for selection and has a synchronous measuring ability to analyze 72 elements simultaneously. Via a new approach of industrial design, EXPEC-6000 also includes an optimized design of a two-dimensional spectroscopic system of middle ladder grating, an automatic fixed RF power supply, a custom-made anti overflow CCD and full-automatic spectrum acquisition system, an argon gas logic controller as well as a light chamber temperature control system. All in all, this makes EXPEC-6000 have properties of high resolution, extensive dynamic range, high stability, and low limit of detection.

Product features

  • Superb craftsmanship to achieve superior stability with RSD≤1% in 2 hours, RSD≤2% in 4 hours, and highest precision with RSD≤0.5%
  • Small in size to save bench space while ensuring easy access for servicing and maintenance.
  • Unique hardware features combined with intuitive software make the multi-element analysis as easy as single-element analysis.
  • A full range of accessories and consumables to optimize users' operation experience and maximize productivity.

Application area
EXPEC-6000 series provide three types of configurations to meet different client needs: D-type (Dual), R-type(Radial), A-type (Axial)
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